A very warm welcome to our special supplement marking LTT’s 500th issue. In the following pages we’ve taken the opportunity to look back on some of the key events since LTT was launched... continue
When LTT was launched almost 20 years ago, transport planning was an ill-defined... continue
On 18 May 1989, transport secretary Paul Channon... continue
Deputy Prime Minister and transport secretary John Prescott took the opportunity to... continue
My first taste of transport as a local politician was in the mid-1990s. At that time a round of local government reorganisation gave transport... continue
Twenty years ago transport planning consultancy in... continue
Well of course I was there. In the proverbial... continue
Twenty years ago the building blocks of modern traffic signals had well proven themselves and were ready to proliferate. 'SCOOT' network control developed by the Department of Transport and TRL was... continue
Transport planning effectively came into being in the 1960s, as a subset of civil engineering and town planning, because of the need to identify infrastructure programmes to complement urban... continue
Essex was one of the first local authorities to offer grants... continue
When LTT was launched in April 1989 the car was king – Roads for... continue
Twenty years ago I wanted to be Kenny Dalglish. If you would have told me that I would be involved in sustainable travel I would have... continue
Integration was quite literally a dirty word in the business of transport policy in 1989. Three years earlier the Conservatives had scrapped... continue
The scrapping of the Greater London Council in 1986 gave the Department of Transport the chance to exert more control over... continue
There is a popular conception that transport is better across the Channel: trains meet buses,... continue
January The Government creates the Motorists' Forum amid growing criticism that ministers aren't listening to motorists. May The Croydon tramlink opens. July Ken Livingstone becomes London's first directly elected mayor and pledges to introduce a central London congestion charge. Transport for... continue
January The Government creates the Motorists' Forum amid growing criticism that ministers aren't listening to motorists. May The Croydon tramlink opens. July Ken Livingstone becomes London's first directly elected mayor and pledges to introduce a central London congestion charge. Transport for... continue
‘Predict and provide’ went out for roads in the 1980s. But it still seems to be the Government’s policy for airports and air travel, although more and more people are becoming very sceptical, given the heavier carbon footprint of air travel and the... continue
As the movement towards establishing a new transport planning and policy agenda gathered pace in the early 1990s, it became apparent that the industry’s established qualifications and framework for continuing professional development were inadequate. This issue was continually raised during... continue
It is a paradox of the internet that the more information is made available on line, the harder it can be to find what you are looking for. In the three years since Rod Fletcher launched LTTXtra, the online version of the magazine, that thought has been one of the guiding principles in the way he... continue
After two years as founding editor of LTT, Peter Huntley left to work full time at his own consultancy, TAS Partnership. At that time one of TAS’s major pieces of work was providing administrative services for the magazine. From those humble beginnings it has grown into a leading transport... continue
“The outcry from frustrated businessmen and the road... continue
Back in 1988, after seeking fame and fortune in Hollywood, I came back to the UK and thought I had better try to get a proper job. Having spotted a job for a campaigns manager at the British... continue
If transport policy was reflected on the ground, the last 20 years would have seen really profound changes in travel, for there have been... continue
Twenty years ago my former colleague and friend, Brian Oldridge, was director of transportation in Cambridgeshire and, in the early nineties, he became president of the County Surveyors’ Society (CSS).... continue
I can still vividly recall working on the first issue of Local Transport Today in April 1989, almost 20 years ago, huddled over early types of Apple computers and using an early and distinctly flaky desk top publishing... continue
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